Pathogen exposure and release during species invasions
What contributes to the success of an invasive species and the decline of a native species? The enemy release hypothesis proposes that the success of invasive species in their new ranges may be a result of leaving old enemies behind in their native ranges, while the novel weapons hypothesis proposes that invasive species can bring with them weapons that harm the fitness of native species. Pathogens serve double-duty, both as an enemy that can be left behind, and as a weapon that can be introduced. The invasion process and timing of "Old World" rodents into New England is historically well documented and provides an exciting system in which to combine host genomic adaptation, museum sampling, and analysis of historical records to ask questions about the importance of infectious disease in species invasions.
This project will take advantage of the resources of our beautiful home state, and provide outreach opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who want to connect with Vermonters outside UVM. |